1 min read

Tour of go, function vs method

Generally speaking, there are two way to manipulate a typed variable

  • function
  • method
    type vertex struct {
        a int
        b int
  1. function with value parameter

    func f(v vertex) int {
        return v.a;

    a copy of v is passed to function, and only a value is allowed when calling the function

  2. function with pointer parameter

    func f(v *vertex) int {
        return v.a

    pointer (reference) is passed to function
    only pointer is allowed when calling this function

    v := vertex{3, 4}
    f(&v) // OK
    f(v)  // compile error

    this is easy to understand if you know about C, but things get bit tricky dealing with methods

A method is a kind of special function bind to a specific type, with the data type called receiver. Just treat that receiver as a special parameter. So you can call this method by writing receiver.method(...parameters), common in many Object-Oriented languages

  1. method with value receiver


    func (v vertex) f(s int) {
        v.a = v.a * s

    a copy of v is passed to method
    both value and pointer is allowed when calling the method,
    and nothing in origin data will change


    v := vertex{1,2}
    v.f(2) // OK
    fmt.Println(v) // {1 2}
    p := &v
    p.f(2) // OK, equal to "(*p).f()"
    fmt.Println(p) {1 2}
  2. method with pointer receiver

    func (v *vertex) f(s int) {
        v.a = v.a * s

    pointer of v is passed to method
    both value and pointer is allowed when calling this method,
    and both case may change the content of the original data


    v := vertex{1,2}
    v.f(2) // OK equal to "(&v).f(2)
    fmt.Println(v) // {2 4}
    p := &v
    p.f(2) // OK
    fmt.Println(p) {4 8}

Another Note about interface

if a type implement an interface, calling the implemented method is not flexible any more, only the type (pointer receiver or value receiver) is allowed when calling.